親愛的弟兄們,聞 鄭汝泰弟兄被主接走,我們深感難過不捨。汝泰弟兄從年輕時即在香港召會服事,弟兄忠信跟隨職事,為人低調隱藏,牧養了許多聖徒。在已過的風波中,弟兄均忠心為主站住,成了非常關鍵的中流砥柱。感謝主,香港召會如今欣欣向榮,滿了繁茂復活,弟兄的服事實是我們美好的榜樣。我們感謝主,把弟兄作成美好恩賜賜給衪的召會。
求主繼續祝福香港召會,在此也鼓勵並安慰 汝泰弟兄的姊妹和家人們。勿悲傷難過,憑信繼續奔那擺在我們前頭的賽程(來十二1),當衪顯現時,我們都要和衪一同顯現在榮耀裡(西三4)。 阿們!願主耶穌基督的恩,神的愛,聖靈的交通與弟兄們同在。
菲律賓同工們 同啓
To the Elders and Responsible Brothers of the Church in Hong Kong
Dear brothers,
We are deeply saddened to hear that Brother Ittai Cheng was taken by the Lord. Brother Ittai has served the church in Hong Kong since he was young. He faithfully followed the ministry, kept a low profile, and shepherded many saints. In the past turmoil, our brother stood faithfully for the Lord and became a very crucial mainstay. Thank the Lord, the church in Hong Kong is now flourishing and full of abundant resurrection. Our brothers’ service is truly a good pattern for us. We thank the Lord for making our brother a wonderful gift given to His church.
May the Lord continue to bless the church in Hong Kong and also encourage and comfort Brother Ittai’s sister and family members not to be sad, and to continue run the race set before us by faith (Hebrews 12:1). When He appears, we shall all appear with Him in glory (Col. 3:4). Amen, may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with the brothers.
The co-workers of the Philippines